30 Days – Day 25

Wow. I’m almost to the end of this. I’ve enjoyed it so much that I’m stocking up on paint and canvases! I don’t think I’ll be giving this up, and acrylic does seem to be my favorite medium. Mom used oil, I’ve tried watercolors multiple times, but this… this is FUN! 🙂 That said, I’m… Continue Reading

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30 Days – Day 24

Day 24. Playing around with layers, liquid media and glitter over modelling paste. (Can YOU find the stenciled mermaid under all this? ) I don’t know if I like it or if it’s just a mess. It’s got a lot of depth in real life… What do you all think?   Continue Reading

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30 Days – Day 23

Almost there… and I’ve got LOTS of stitching things to talk about when we get there, so don’t give up on me! 🙂 Hang in here with me. This is 6 X 8 on canvas paper. Acrylic and various mediums and a Dover Stencil… I’m in creativity mode these days, but it’s too hot to… Continue Reading

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30 Days – Day 21

And we’re on the final stretch. Nine paintings to go (probably mostly smaller, though there IS one big one in progress)…  This is the first time I’ve ever painted a person without an initial sketch underneath. And profiles haven’t’ ever been my forté. But I love the way the colors brought depth to it, and… Continue Reading

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30 Days – Day 20 (And Parties!)

So I wasn’t going to post this painting. “It’s not good enough. It was just an experiment. You GLUED it to your art table!!!” Then I decided that since my focus is really on sharing techniques and experiences, you’d all like to see what my kind of messy experimentation looks like. So here it is.… Continue Reading

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