Cross stitch. The words these days usually bring up visions of country pictures, samplers with mottoes on them (whether cute or profane) and, possibly, cute teddy bears and birth samplers, or even great reproductions of great art work. These are done in COUNTED cross stitch. (There is also a playlist of counted cross stitch instructions on my YouTube site, if you want to go that direction.) But…
This simple stitch (which is actually also a group of stitches to which herringbone stitch belongs) can be used in so many different ways!
Stitched loosely and randomly it makes great texture for backgrounds. Stitched in a regular pattern on an image of clothing it can denote the texture of herringbone (much better than the stitch of that name!) Stitched one on top of the next in different colors new textures can be created, and depth of color…
Cross stitch deserves to be played with. It deserves experimentation… it’s just so… versatile!