It’s been a while since I gave y’all an update on my current projects. You know about distributors. And that the Online Needlework Show is coming up in October. Well, that’s my current project. 🙂 I’m working on models for three designs to hopefully be released at the show…
This one (Heart Deco), which will be released, because I finished the model stitching on Tuesday! YAY!
This one (As yet unnamed, which I started Tuesday), and a sampler that’s rather Elizabethan in feel, and which is being named after my Aunt Liz, who when she worked at the Italian Embassy in the 50s was christened “Princess Elizabeth” by the Italians. Story included in the chart pack. 🙂 It’s half finished, but not ready for prime time yet, so no pictures (sorry!). It will be the first in a series of three, Princess Elizabeth, Prince Bertie, and tentatively Ve David (unless I can find something more English Royal to fit my Dad’s name), in honor of Aunt Liz, Uncle Bert and my Dad. Then I may have to wander over to Germany to get my maternal side covered! Ah Inspiration, when she strikes, uses a two by four upside the head! Need more time in the day!!!
If I recall correctly, the Prince of Wales who became Edward VIII was known in the family as “David”… You’d need to find a reputable source for that information of course, something better than Wikipedia!
I think the official site of County Kent works. 🙂 Thank you so much for this heads up, Rachel. Methinks I can get where I need to be now!