In the small spaces between panicking about getting everything done, and actually doing it, I’ve been working on the cafe curtain for the bathroom set.
It’s almost done, and I’m really happy with how it’s coming out. It was a really good dry run for the shower curtain, and now that it’s almost finished I will start putting together the prep work for the big project in my little down time, including hems and grommets before I start the stitching. i’ll have to find a couple hours straight to transfer the pattern, because that really needs to be done all at once.
Stitching is different — I can stitch in the small spaces while the help file compiles – the 1o minutes where I have to sit down when I’m ironing. If it’s a small project, it can come with me and I work when I’m waiting at the doctor, or before I go on at a show. Planning and even some choreography can happen when I’m in the shower or bathroom. The small spaces in my life are where the creativity happens.
October has been very very tight. Lots of things going on, from health issues in the family to meeting new friends! (YAY!) to TWO belly dance shows, one that required traveling alone because my travel partner was ill…for me it felt like even the small spaces had shrunk to almost non-existence. And yet… even with all of that, I got the cafe curtain almost finished. I have got to do the last few petals, and I won’t be able to finish the center until I order gold yarn, but I’m there, really. Small spaces, no matter how small, really do add up. If you pick up the project and make just one stitch a day, you will eventually finish it, even if you don’ t think you will. I’m proof.
The second show is Saturday. Hopefully I’ll have photos.
Great to her that you’ve managed to keep at it and feel encouraged by your progress even in a frantically busy month!
[…] – something I can actually complete relatively quickly while I wait for gold thread for the curtain. So I am digging out the little Jacobean pattern again and doing it in […]
That is going to be a lovely bathroom Romilly.